Stay reflective

Empowerment for your mind.

Why Stay Reflective?

Reflection can transform each of us. Unfortunately, journaling, writing about yourself, finding purpose, thinking about challenges, and make choices are one of many reflection moments that can be really hard. 

Stay Reflective is here to help you reflect one question at a time. Use prompts to get started and tools to empower you to reflect more often and better. 

Try one of our interactive reflection journeys:

Morning Pages

Kickstart a Creative morning

Inspired Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, Morning Pages is a classic journaling experience. It is designed to be done first thing in the morning. The purpose is to clear one’s mind, discover insights, explore creativity, and overcome creative blocks.

4 Questions


Manifesting Your future Self

Reflection allows us imagine a different self from our current one. So let’s slow down and spend time articulating who we want to become and set some intentions towards what’s ahead. Inspired by Your Future Self by Hal Hershfield.


Questions for Mid-Career Professionals

Inspired by 6 Questions to Ask at the Midpoint of Your Career by Rebecca Knight [Source: Harvard Business Review]. 

6 Questions

What Do I Want To Journal About?

Discovering Your Reflective Practice

Crafting and cultivating a journaling or reflection practice is an evolving personal journey.  Empower yours with mix of introspection and practical questions to figure out what your reflection practice is all about. 

3 Questions

Stay Musical

A Reflection Starter For Musical Creatives

Let’s take a moment to reflect on our musical journeys as artists, learners, and creatives by exploring a few music-related reflections questions. 

4 Questions

How It Works

Stay Reflective is your companion for meaningful introspection and self-exploration, empowering your moments and improving your journaling.

Stay Reflective provides interactive reflection experiences. These journeys invite you to to answer and reflect on a few questions in a number of categories. With your initial journal responses, our AI will generate unique and personalized thought-provoking and actionable questions for you to continue to reflect. 

There are no right or wrong answers. Just you exploring with what resonates with and for you. Take a reflection step.  

Try some reflection templates and come Stay Reflective with us! 

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Stay Reflective’s Mission is to enable better reflection experiences for anyone, anywhere.

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